Arizona Repeater Association, Inc
P. O. Box 35758, Phoenix, Arizona 85069-5758


Arizona Repeater Association, Inc

ARA Repeater Site Contacts


The ARA strives to keep all repeater sites fully operational. The sites receive preventive maintenance and inspection several times a year, but from time to time things do fail or act strangely. It's up to you, the users, to help advise the technical committee of any operating problems or anomalies as they arise. Each site has an engineer who is the point of contact for problems or questions about that site. Don't hesitate to contact these volunteers with your reports, questions and concerns. The sooner a problem is reported, the sooner it can be addressed.

If after several attempts, you are unable to contact the appropriate site engineer with your report or question, you should get the message to the Technical Committee Chairman. He will advise the engineer for that site.

Technical Committee Chairman, Dennis Campbell, AE7WU
PO Box 35758, Phoenix, AZ 85069-5758   623-688-0183